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Group of people sitting at seminar and concentrated audience listening to speaker.

About Campus

What is Google for Startups Campus?

Campus Warsaw is the Central and Eastern European hub for Google for Startups. Here, our alumni, Founders at Campus members and a wider startup community from the region connect with inspiring events, Google's resources, training and mentorship opportunities, and a passionate community of entrepreneurs, fostering growth and collaboration.

Why did Google start Campus?

Born from a garage, Google understands the startup journey. We fuel the entrepreneurial spirit through Campuses—vibrant community hubs where passionate founders connect, collaborate, and gain the resources they need to thrive. From mentorship to technical training, Campuses empower them to build innovative solutions that tackle global challenges, create jobs, and drive economic growth. It's the full circle of innovation, fueled by the dreams of those who dare to change the world.

How can I work from Campus?

Campus Warsaw is a space where Google for Startups program participants, alumni founders, and the Founders at Campus community connect and collaborate. Want to experience these benefits for yourself? Apply to one of our programs or learn more about the Founders at Campus initiative.

How to get involved

How do I apply to a program?

Browse our program directory and discover a range of programs designed to connect startups like yours with the resources you need to take your business to the next level.

Will Campus still hold events for the general public?

Yes! Google for Startups Campus hosts a wide range of events to connect you with the tech community. Discover product showcases, networking meetups, and skill-building workshops—check out our events page for what's coming up. For the latest updates, subscribe to our Google for Startups newsletter.

Do startups have to use Google technologies to be a part of a program?

Absolutely not! We embrace startups across all platforms and technologies. Our programs and events cater to a diverse range of products and solutions, ensuring everyone has a place to innovate and grow.